A Day in the Life of Suraj


Suraj is originally from Minnesota and joined Avascent in Spring 2018 as part of the DC office. Prior to Avascent, Suraj majored in Systems Engineering with a minor in Engineering Entrepreneurship at the University of Pennsylvania. Suraj primarily focuses on serving clients in commercial aviation.

7:30 AM

Wake up, answer a quick email from my manager in London about a slide that he put together for today’s client meeting, get ready, come into work.

9:00 AM

Print out copies of our slide deck for clients that are coming into the office and do some last-minute prep for our meeting.

9:30 AM

Client meeting. We have two clients in the office from Delaware along with the Managing Director, Project Director and myself. About a half dozen others on the client side joining by phone from France, as well as the Project Manager and another analyst from our London office.

We present our deck for this iteration of the project, which we have been working on for about the past month. Since it’s a very long deck, we try and hit the key points and then have a short Q&A for each section. The rest of the deck is left as reading material for the client, which they can contact us about later in the week and beyond with any more questions that come up.

12:00 PM

Catch up on emails after the meeting, briefly discuss the next steps for our project with the London team, then grab a quick lunch.

1:00 PM

Time to play catch up on my other project which I had momentarily set aside to prepare for the morning’s client meeting. For this project, we have a client call on Wednesday to present interim findings, so the deck needs to be ready by Tuesday. Draft customer profiles for each region and customer segment we are covering for this deliverable.

4:30 PM

Check-in meeting with my manager to discuss progress on the drafts. Make some adjustments to the template and customer grouping for each region and move some slides around. Discuss what’s left to be done ahead of our check-in on Tuesday with our project director. Return to my desk and continue drafting customer slides.

7:30 PM

Quick dinner break.

9:00 PM

Head home with most of the slides done. Email my PM slides that are completed so that she can turn edits.

11:00 PM

Draft another couple slides quickly in an attempt to make the next morning a little less hectic (which is only somewhat successful).

12:00 PM


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